10 février 2016, Londres. Débat en streaming : Global migration: from crisis to opportunity


What would an effective global approach to migration look like? How can we respond to the aspirations of those residing in poor and conflict-affected areas? And how can the movement of people be recognised as an opportunity rather than a threat that needs to be contained and curtailed ?

This event is part of the series: #GlobalChallenges launched by ODI 

Matt Frei – Europe Editor, Channel 4 News

Keynote speaker:

Peter Sutherland – UN Special Representative on Migration, , leads this event on what needs to happen to turn this global challenge into an opportunity for all.


Marta Foresti – Director of Governance, Security and Livelihoods, ODI

Fatumo Farah – Director, HIRDA Foundation, Netherlands

Peter Sutherland, the UN Special Representative for Migration

10 February 2016 12:00 – 13:30 (GMT+00). Pour s’inscrire à ce débat en ligne


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