For The United States of Africa…


Gaddafi now dead, has Pan-african movement died with him ? Beyond the eccentricity of the protagonist, many africans- Heads of States, politics and a part of the continental youth thought he was a tireless activist for an african unity, buried after the independence of some Africa’s nations. We are not going to talk about the « generosity » of colonel Gaddafi towards many Heads of States here. The african « King of kings », as he called himself, had strong and shaky arguments to influence people with his ideas. The idea of « the United States of Africa » was sincerly and strongly supported by many politicians of the black continent,men and women .

It’s the case of Abel Goumba, who wrote shortly before he died on April 11th of 2009 in the morning at the age of 83, in « Grotius plaidoyer « : For the « United States of Africa ». Anticolonialist, democrat, « the man with clean hands » as he was called in Central Africa Republic was opposed to the different systems in Bangui. He was prime minister twice, vice president and then, mediator of the Republic. He was a candidate to the presidency five times. What he hated the most: injustice and misery.

 JJ Louarn


 The origins of a continental African government

We hope that, in an approriate time, a continental african government will be set up. However, opinion is divided and discussions are virulent, because it’s about a conviction and a fight…The task is getting harder when there are different africa: the French-speaking, English-speaking,   Portuguese-speaking and  Spanish-speaking ones. They have their own particularities because of the colonial influence and the pressures they suffered from different governments during a long time.

In CAR, as supporters of  African unity and the United States of Africa, we began to fight for all of these ideas with Barthélémy BOGANDA, a pro-pan-africanist, died unfortunatly too young. We rapidly understood that a lonely man is unhappy. After the African Union Organization (AUO) and the African Unity (AU), the formation of a continental african government would aim to develop the entire continent in order to make it capable of playing a significant role  into the international scene. Thus, this government would contribute to the stability, the security and the peace of the world.

There are different origins

– Historical :  Africa is the cradle of humanity and the basis of modern civilizations.
– Political : This region invented the “Pure system”, a comprehensive and effective system of direct democracy.
– Economical : Its natural resources easily outnumber half of the world’s ones.
– Social : The organization of its traditional society, based on humanism and solidarity, is a real “social security”.
– Cultural : Having an education based on his ancestral humanistic traditions and structures adapted to his environment, the african man has a great strength, vitality and resistance. Thus, in spite of his hard environmental conditions and the vicissitudes of history, he is a well-balanced and lively being.

Today, these vicissitudes( deportations, slave trade, colonization, neo colonization) become part of the distant past.

The potential solutions

As other countries, it’s important that africans form a united coalition and have the right  to self-governement to improve their living conditions.
To hope to succeed, there are some conditions:
– A successful mental decolonization.
– A constitutional State requiring a good governance and morality, and ensuring that the fundamental rights and liberties are guaranteed and protected.
– To banish the digestive tract policy as far as possible.
– An african parliament, opening the way for participation of the sovereign people more or less directly.
– The promotion of african languages which could lead to a common one.
– Real democratic elections based on a system in which voters are lined up behind their chosen candidate when it’s municipal elections and behind their posters when it’s legislative, regional and presidential elections.(in that case, candidates are not here)

The huge advantages of this system:

– Economical: there are not any ballot paper spendings because they don’t have to be dropped in the various polling stations and so, there is no need for transport. No ballot boxes nor transport expenses.
– Practical: voters are lined up in corridors 2 meters high, separated each other by fallen branches, mats, loincloth, etc. Doing a simple count of voters give the results which are proclaimed on the spot with openness.
– Ethical: Complete morality  and only elections. Results really reflect the will of people and there are hardly any spendings nor electoral fraud. It’s not just a great success of democracy which is often critized because not enough applied, but also the satisfaction of people and the absence of post electoral troubles.
– A drastic control of the implementation of democracy in each state. If it’s necessary, a series of sanctions are provided for any incompetent and immoral rulers to favour those who serve their country with honesty, fidelity and devotion.
– The supression of slave economy, replaced by the transformation of raw materials in a local place.
– The compulsory insertion of some incomes created by the exploitation of material resources, in national budgets( oil, precious stones, etc.).
– Having an african currency, the only way to promote and control the national economy.
– The return of qualified african of the diaspora trained abroad. It permits to promote national and continental development through the rational exploitation of countries’ resources and the management of a profitable trade with interesting exchanges between states.
– Finally, the creation of a continental african government will encourage the accomplishment of all this work thanks to the numerous constraints, especially the financial ones, in priority and difficult fields such as:
– The health, with the fight against AIDS and the production of pharmaceutical products through the rational exploitation and use of african medicinal plants.
– The defense, with the possibility of using soldiers for military tasks as well as economical and social ones.
– The rational exploitation of renewable energies as aeolian or solar energy, the wind, etc.
– If it’s necessary, the exploitation of mineral resources, installations of metallurgic industries for industrialization’s needs, the education, the use of local raws to build equipments, local consumer goods, etc.

It’s in the nature of things: Africa , which has been delivered from slavery, has to get free from the misery humiliating it and to have a development fitting with its potentialities to have an significant role in the entente between the great powers. The situation would benefit the entire humanity.

Translation : Morgane Chatel


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