13 oct 2014, London. Resilience is for life: reducing disaster risk in an ageing world


The world is experiencing a dramatic demographic shift. Today, people aged over 60 constitute 11 per cent of the global population. By 2050, this proportion will have doubled to 22 per cent – that is, 2 billion older persons. And populations are ageing most rapidly in developing countries with up to 80 per cent of the world’s older people expected to be living in developing countries by 2050. These countries are also some of the most exposed to disasters, which is also likely to increase with climate change and changes in human and natural environments over the coming century.

What does this mean for our response to managing risk to disasters? Are we providing the necessary support to this growing sector of the population? How can we harness the potential of older people for strengthening resilience while ensuring that their vulnerabilities are being addressed?

The event will be chaired by Chris Roles, Director of Age International, will feature the launch of HelpAge International’s new report “Resilience in an Ageing World” and include keynote presentations from: Silvia Stefanoni, Direct of Policy and Strategy, HelpAge International and Tom Mitchell, Head of Climate and Environment, ODI

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Where ?
Overseas Development Institute
203 Blackfriars Road